Permanent Make Up
We would all like to look that little bit better when we wake in the morning. Now thanks to permanent make up you can. Not only will it make you feel younger it will give you extra 20 minutes sleeping in the morning. After having permanent make up you'll feel more confident to face the day..
3D Hair Stroke Brows
Where most eyebrow enhancements add colour only, this treatment draws individual hairs into the skin under ultra-precise magnification, weaving microscopic simulated hair strokes among your natural ones in a bespoke pigment blend to lift, define and WOW your brows. Whether your brows have thinned or are over-plucked, are very fair or you simply want to improve their shape and look, framing your eyes and giving your whole face definition.
3D Hair Stroke Brows
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Ombre Brows
The Ombre Eyebrow Style produces a very soft enhancement on the brow. More subtle, softer shading is used with the brow tail being emphasized to make it look super defined. Would be suited for clients with natural hair growth to enhance the shape.
Ombre Brows
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Eyeliner/ Eyelash Enhancements
With a Eyeliner and Lash Enhancer there’s no smudging, no running and no panda eyes. It’s swim-proof, shower proof and gym proof. With a choice of either top, bottom or both lids you can opt for a more subtle lash enhancer (a fine line of pigment through the lash line) or alternatively a thicker and more conventional eyeliner. Like all of our procedures, everything is discussed and pencilled in prior to starting to ensure that you have total control with the style and shape of your liner.
Top Eyeliner
Bottom Eyeliner
Eyeliner Combo